
This came across Greg Ellifritz‘s “Weekend Knowledge Dump” a few weeks ago, and I thought it was worth sharing:

“46 Things (and Counting) a Young Man Should Know”.

I’ll check back in when I figure out #47.

47. Carry a sharp knife, unless precluded by law or venue policy. It doesn’t have to be a machete or Bowie knife: even a small Swiss Army knife or pocketknife is worthwhile.

48. Carry a small flashlight. You can get ones that clip on your keychain and throw a surprising amount of light, and you have no idea how handy they are until you start using them.

Also by way of Mr. Ellifritz: “52 Things I Learned in 2024”.

And by way of Mike the Musicologist: “Big Pistols vs. Small Pistols”, by FotB (and official trainer to WCD) Karl Rehn.

2 Responses to “Noted.”

  1. Angus McThag says:

    Learn to use every single thing on your Swiss Army Knife.

    You may never carry a package on that hook, but by God you will know that’s what it’s for!

    Plus using the can opener amazes people.

  2. cm smith says:

    I am amazed at adults relying on a cellular phone for a flashlight even for daily tasks. Why risk losing, damaging or merely running down the battery on that expensive device.

    A man who runs his business on his cellular phone told me he uses the flashlight to walk his dogs in the evening. Why risk being unable to run the business until the phone is replaced, let alone being unable to call 911 because the battery is dead?

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