Your loser update: All-Star time.

Looks like the All-Star Game is tomorrow, and we’re at the break. So it is probably a good time to check on a few MLB teams.

The Chicago White Sox seem to have gained a hap or two. They are currently at 27-71, with a .276 winning percentage. That works out to about 117 losses if my math is right. I think that’s good enough to qualify for the MLB historical list, but perhaps not as bad as I was hoping for. Then again, I was hoping for “1899 Cleveland Spiders” bad. And you know, that projection might be off. 120 losses is still in play.

The Marlins are at 33-63, .344. That works out to 106 losses, which I don’t think is quite record worthy. After Miami, Colorado is 34-63, .351, projecting out to 105 losses. Also probably just out of record contention.

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