Some stuff.

More specifically, a random assortment of things that turned up in my Post Office box today, or that I found while I was out and about. Not that I’m bragging, but I think some folks might be entertained, amused, or interested in some of these items.

The first issue of “Infowars: The Magazine” (as Gregg Easterbrook might say, “Published on Earth: The Planet”).

I’ve got big balls. (Also acceptable: “Ah, but the strawberries. That’s where I had them.“) (Previously.)

The only political party that can actually change things this year. (Get yours here.)


My USB TV receiver from Germany is here! (Previously.) More when and as I get a chance to dink with it.

One Response to “Some stuff.”

  1. Glen says:

    Something about that Lampposts/Rope bothers me. I think it might be the combination of its relationship to lynching and the fact we have our first president of African descent, but maybe that’s just me.