I have mentioned in the past that I don’t like linking to stories already on FARK, unless it is something that just demands coverage and comment.
I’m not sure this qualifies as an example of that, but I feel compelled to link anyway.
The Seattle Times has a profile of Dolores Erickson, who is 76 years old and doesn’t look that bad for 76. We’d happily take her out for a chaste dinner and movie.
Most of you probably see this coming, especially if you’re music buffs (Weer’d Beard, I’m looking at you). For the rest of you: who is Dolores Erickson?
After the jump (picture may be mildly NSFW. depending on where you work)…
Yes, that is the lovely and talented Ms. Erickson. The FARK discussion thread includes some other photos from the session, and some…interesting (in the “eat your soul and haunt your dreams” sense) Photoshops.
I love that album. We had it when I was growing up – I even played the trumpet, and could play some of these.
But that was one primo album cover, for a 12 year old.