When you’re a Net, you’re a Net all the way…

…from your opening loss at Charlotte to losing at home against the Mavericks and setting a new NBA record for futility.

Two other franchises had gone 0-17 to start a season. The Miami Heat set the record 21 years ago as an expansion team. The Los Angeles Clippers, who often look like an expansion team, matched the mark 10 years ago.

The Nets now stand alone, wallowing in despair and self-loathing.

Lawrence gave me some flack yesterday for not mentioning Bobby Bowden. My feeling was that Bowden wasn’t fired, he resigned; Lawrence’s argument is that Bowden resigned in the same way Nixon and Spitzer resigned. I don’t have much to say on the subject, but if you do, here’s your thread.

Obama Ecstasy tablets? Those will go well with my Chia head.

Dear Congressman Lamar Smith: Please be so kind as to consume excrement and thus hasten your demise.

Edited to add: I forgot this one. By way of the Scalz, homeowner’s association tries to tell a 90-year-old Medal of Honor recipient he can’t have a flagpole in his yard. Get the popcorn, folks, this should be almost as much fun as the ongoing situation in what Balko calls Marakafka County.

One Response to “When you’re a Net, you’re a Net all the way…”

  1. Joe D says:

    I see your Obama Ecstacy and raise with Obama LSD.
