Virtue. Rewarded.

Yes, another rare event in the history of the republic.

After many years (seriously: I’ve known him since Jesus was getting his hair cut at boot camp) of honing his craft…

…friend, fellow blogger, writer, and noted book dealer Lawrence Person has won a major literary award.

Specifically, the Grand Prize in the 2024 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest.

More from Lawrence here. Hearty congratulations to him on this achievement.

Sadly, I do not believe the award comes with any money attached. It used to come with a leather-bound set of Bulwer-Lytton’s books, but I have been unable to determine if that is still the case.

I did briefly consider buying him a leg lamp to commemorate the occasion, but an authentic leg lamp from the Christmas Story House is $300! Freaking! Dollars!

Can you get a ham hock bronzed?

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