Obit watch: September 3, 2023.

I have seen a bunch of reports, but none I feel comfortable linking to, that Doug Lenet, artificial intelligence pioneer and good Austin guy, has passed away. When I find a good obit, I’ll post it on the blog.

Bill Richardson, former Congressperson, former governor of New Mexico, and negotiator.

His separate humanitarian missions on behalf of some 80 families won the release of hostages and American servicemen in countries hostile to the United States, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba and Colombia.
“I plead guilty to photo ops and getting human beings rescued and improving the lives of human beings,” he once said.

Marilyn Lovell, wife of astronaut Jim Lovell. I will probably post an update here when I find a better obit.

I know I’ve said “I’ll post a better obit” twice in one post, but it seems like, with the holiday weekend, we’re sort of in a dry spot for reporting about most things.

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