Bagatelle (#77).



He remembered the advice of the old man on Sulphur Creek, and smiled. The man had been very serious when he said that no man should travel alone in that country after 50 below zero.

One Response to “Bagatelle (#77).”

  1. pigpen51 says:

    This is one of the few English Reading class stories that I remember reading in elementary school. I say this only because most of the things that I remember reading I read on my own, long before I read them in a school setting. To Build a Fire by Jack London was one that I liked so much that I read it a number of times when we were going over it. That may be why I recall it so well.
    Of course any male worth the name loved that type of story, especially by Jack London or some the other similar writers. Mark Twain, Arthur Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells. Those and many others with the same style were right up the alley of an imaginative young boys mind.
    I think that most kids at some point in their youth imagine themselves a hero in a Jack London story. Some of us never lose that imagination.