Art, damn it, art! watch (#59 in a series)

I don’t want to draw too much on the NY Post. But Mike the Musicologist sent this to me with a challenge:

An Italian artist sold an invisible sculpture for over $18,000 and had to give the buyer a certificate of authenticity to prove it’s real, the Daily Mail reported.

“The vacuum is nothing more than a space full of energy, and even if we empty it and there is nothing left, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, that ‘nothing’ has a weight,” the Sardinian-born artist explained, according to Hypebeast. “Therefore, it has energy that is condensed and transformed into particles, that is, into us.”

This isn’t the first piece of Garau’s that is unrecognizable to the human eye. In February, the artist exhibited “Buddha In Contemplation,” another invisible sculpture at the Piazza della Scala in Milan. And just this week, Garau installed his most recent statue, “Afrodite Piange,” facing the New York Stock Exchange.

Edited to add: I was unaware of this previously, but it popped up on Hacker News after I posted. I know, he only has 501 views as I write, but it seems like a good commentary. Or at least I found it mildly amusing.

Warning! Mime! Achtung! Mime! Avvertimento! Mimo! Avertissement! Mime!

Warning! Mime! Achtung! Mime! Avvertimento! Mimo! Avertissement! Mime!

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