“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 376

Science Sunday!

I’ve got another NASA film lined up today, but this isn’t space science.

“Flight to Tomorrow” is a 1967 film about NASA’s supersonic aircraft research, including the SST, hypersonic transports, and noise abatement.

Bonus #1: I thought it might be interesting to post this: “The M2-F2 Crash” from the Dark Footage folks.

Why? Well, some of you may recognize the M2-F2. Some more of you may recognize some of the footage in this documentary. Otherwise, stay to the end, when all will be revealed.

Bonus #2 and #3: The history of the M2-F2 and the NASA lifting bodies led me to this.

“Today, Tomorrow and Titan III”, part one of “Man In Space”. I know I’m sort of fudging here, but I really do view lifting bodies and supersonic/hypersonic transport as being a different category of science than the manned space missions.

Part 2: This also covers Bill Dana and the X-15.

Bonus #4: Just one more, because it is short. The Martin Marietta X-24B lifting body.

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