“What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 272

“Why don’t we roast chestnuts anymore?”

I remember trying to roast chestnuts on an open fire in our fireplace when I was really young. Frankly, I didn’t care for the taste: I remember finding them really bitter and unpleasant. But: I have also found that my tastes have changed a great deal as I have aged.

(On a side note, I strongly suspect that is one thing many parents do not understand about children. I firmly believe that things parents like the taste of now, actually taste acutely unpleasant to their children. I suspect there is scientific research that will back me up on this. Main point being, back off on micro-managing your children’s eating. As long as they aren’t developing scurvy, I don’t think you need to worry. Nor do I think you need to cook second meals just for your children, to be clear.)

Bonus: I have a doctor’s appointment today, so you’re getting a sampler platter. Hope that’s okay.

“Neuschwanstein: Secrets of a Castle”, a documentary from Deutsche Welle. (Don’t worry, this is in English.)

Just going to add here: this is one of my desktop backgrounds when I’m using multiple monitors.

An air-to-air formation of four fighters participating in REFORGER ’82 fly over the cloud shrouded Neuschwanstein Castle on the German/Austrian border. The flight of three F-15 Eagles from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida is lead by a German Air Force F-104 Starfighter.
Exact Date Shot Unknown

Bonus #2: Ordinarily I would not link to Babish, but since I mentioned this at dinner Saturday night: Babish makes Eggs Woodhouse from How to Archer: The Ultimate Guide to Espionage and Style and Women and Also Cocktails Ever Written (affiliate link: as I’ve mentioned before, this book is a lot better than it has any right to be).

Bonus #3: a short one. Insufferably cute baby possum.

2 Responses to ““What you gonna do when you get out of jail?…” part 272”

  1. Your job is now to find an Austin restaurant that serves Eggs Wodehouse.

  2. Joe D says:

    Because Chestnut Blight.


    The chestnuts you’ve eaten were almost certainly European, Chinese, or Japanese Chestnuts. The American Chestnut is supposed to have been much tastier.