My next million dollar idea.

I think it is time to bring back chariot racing.

No politics, no political statements: just chariot racing. I’m sure we can get a TV deal, and not just on ESPN 8, “The Ocho”. Given a choice between televised chariot racing and televised cornhole, what do you think people are going to watch?

(Inspired by episode 157 of the History of Rome podcast.)

8 Responses to “My next million dollar idea.”

  1. Joe D says:

    Would you be able to put spikes and blades on the wheels?

  2. stainles says:

    I feel like it is chariot racing, not gladiatorial combat, so my preliminary answer is “no”.

    But if the ratings aren’t good, I could be talked into reconsidering my position.

  3. Ygolonac says:

    Even defeats the “THINK OF THE HORSIES!” naysayers.

    EXXXTREEEME sports version would have vehicular and rider weapons, and optional team events (2-on-2 sidecar matches, Road Warrior board’n’storm/defense missions, and so on…)

    Could also reference the George Romero flick Knightriders, for a more refined and civilised brutailityooops I meant honorable combat.

    (Why yes, I did play Car Wars for years, why do you ask?)

  4. Joe D says:

    The Circus Maximus still exists. Looks like they use it for outdoor concerts.,12.4857&q=41.8859,12.4857&hl=en&t=h&z=15

  5. stainles says:

    Oooooooh, this gives me an idea.

    They haven’t torn down the Astrodome yet, have they?

  6. stainles says:

    Mmmm. Motorcycles. It’s probably easier to put sponsorships on a motorcycle than a horse, too. I don’t think stickers stick very well to horses.

    I remember “Knightriders” when it came out, and thinking at the time it was my jam, but I haven’t actually seen it to this day. Apparently there’s a blu-ray of it, even.


    Speaking of Lawrence, I never played “Car Wars” but I was passingly familiar with it and with SJ Games. Pretty much all of my gaming was with him, but Lawrence was an “Ogre” fan, and not so much a “Car Wars” one. (Though I do think I picked up a few “Car Wars” books at some point.)

  7. Never really played Car Wars. There a fancy Kickstarter-backed edition of it coming out soon.

    Personally, skip the chariot races and go straight to Rollerball.