- Slides for “Moving from Hacking IoT Gadgets to Breaking into One of Europe’s Highest Hotel Suites” are finally available at the Black Hat site. I’ve only given this a quick skim, but I’m excited.
- Slides from “Deconstructing the Phishing Campaigns that Target Gmail Users” are here.
- It looks like, according to Philippe Laulheret, the most up-to-date version of his ““Intro to Embedded Hacking—How you too can find a decade old bug in widely deployed devices. [REDACTED] Deskphones, a case study.” slides are here By the way, my guess about the phone maker was wrong. Also: post on the McAfee Labs blog going into more detail about the exploit.
- Likewise, according to Dirk-jan Mollema, this is the most current version of his “I’m In Your Cloud… Pwning Your Azure Environement” presentation: slides, videos.
Apologies for being behind on this: I’m also working on another project that’s taking up a lot of my blogging time, but I hope to be done with that soon.