Show your children the classic Chris Rock video, “How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By the Police”. Problem solved in five minutes. No need for a course. As a public service to those of you who have children, I’ll even embed it here for you.
I’m really about 80% serious when I say that: there’s actually a lot of really sound advice in that video.
And I wouldn’t mind a class that taught “how to interact with law officers”, but I think that should just be part of a larger class. I’d also teach how the DA’s office works and how crimes are prosecuted, how civil court works, and I’d bring in defense attorneys (maybe even someone from the ACLU) to go over what your rights as a suspect are. I almost want to say that they used to call this “Civics”.
But I’d probably teach this as part of a larger year-long class for high school students which I’ve been calling “S–t You Need To Know”. I’d also want to cover things like basic car maintenance (how to check fluid levels and change a flat), basic gun safety, strategies for avoiding being a crime victim, statistical fallacies and how to recognize them, bad science and how to recognize it…there’s a whole bunch of things that I think graduating seniors need to know, but aren’t getting taught unless they have exceptional parents.
Feel free to leave your proposed curriculum item in the comments.
If it’s not on the standardized test (in Texas, it’s the STAAR test), it’s not going to get taught in the class.
For example, they don’t teach cursive writing anymore. It’s not on the test, and the time spent learning that can be spent on stuff that’s on the test, so it doesn’t get taught.
How to write a resume
How to stay out of debt
How compound interest works
Computer Skills 101 (assuming they don’t get that elsewhere)
Basics on getting a loan, buying a house, etc.
“How to write a resume”
And the related “How to conduct yourself at a job interview”.
How to balance a checkbook
How to budget
How to fill out a tax form (I was actually taught this in high school – no idea if they still do it)
Basic cooking skills
Basic home/car repair and maintenance