Stop! You’re doing it WRONG!

I had the day off yesterday, so I spent some time with my mother helping her run errands. (One of the disadvantages of those Dyson vacuum cleaners is that they’re a real rhymes-with-witch to get into and out of a Honda Civic. Another disadvantage is that important pieces are made out of plastic and seem to break easily.)

We decided to check out the new Trader Joe’s and the new Wheatsville co-op, because, you know, reasons. (New! Shiny!) I note that neither store had any sort of “No guns allowed” signage, much less a legally compliant 30.06 sign. But I digress. Again.

I found this at Wheatsville. Click to embiggen.


In case you can’t read it, that’s “Primal Strips” “meatless vegan jerky” in “Texas BBQ”, “Teriyaki”, and “Thai Peanut” flavors.

“meatless vegan jerky”. Couldn’t make this up if I tried. What is it with vegans/vegetarians and the emulation of meat products?

In a related vein:

They held signs featuring photos of animals in pairs: a kitten with a fluffy yellow chick, a puppy with a piglet.
“Why love one but eat the other? Choose Vegetarian,” the signs said.

“Why love one but eat the other?” Oh, I don’t know, Bob: maybe because chickens and pigs taste good, while dogs and cats don’t. (I can’t say for sure: I’ve never eaten dog.)

Or maybe it has something to do with charisma; dogs and cats have it. I’m dubious that pigs and chickens do, though there was the great pot-bellied pig boom of a few years back…

3 Responses to “Stop! You’re doing it WRONG!”

  1. stainles says:

    I don’t know. I think Vincent had some pretty good counter-arguments, and Jules was just being cranky.

    (ETA: Indeed, perhaps that vegetarian diet that was imposed upon Jules by his girlfriend is the direct source of Jules’ crankiness. Perhaps Jules would be a happier, more spiritually centered person with the addition of some bacon to his diet.)

  2. That Guy says:

    I forgot the new Wheatsville was opening up. I’ve been meaning to check that out.

    About the Vegitarian meat stuff- I have never understood why someone can say that eating meat is morally wrong, then go to such lengths as to try and fool themselves into thinking they are eating meat.