You know the Pocket Hose, right? Extensively advertised on television?
My mother moved into a smaller place at the end of March, and bought a Pocket Hose around that time so she could water her plants without bucking around a big garden hose.
It lasted about two months. The hose now seems to have some sort of internal break such that, instead of water coming out the nozzle, it flows out from just below the faucet connection. It isn’t leakingĀ at the connection, like it is improperly tightened or missing a gasket, but leaking in the hose portion below the connection.
Of course, this being cheap Chinese made crap imported by Telebrands, it doesn’t have any kind of warranty. Luckily for her, she bought it at Home Depot with her Home Depot credit card, and they’ve agreed to refund her money when she brings it back.
Seriously, guys, less than two months? Put that in your social media pipe and smoke it.
And just in case you think I’m being a crank, it sure looks like the Amazon reviews support my position.