Archive for March 20th, 2025

Packin’ (random gun crankery)

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

It would not be entirely unfair to say that I am a sucker for concepts. At least when it comes to guns. But a concept has to make sense to me.

I’ve bought into Cooper’s Scout Rifle concept in a big way.

One concept that ended up not making sense to me, was the “car gun” or “truck gun”. I actually did buy into this, and bought a relatively cheap (at the time) Marlin lever action in .30-30 (the poor man’s assault rifle) to use as a “car gun” when Texas instituted legal protection for guns in cars.

But the more I thought about it, the odds of being able to fight my way out to my car, grab my rifle, and go back in to confront the big bad seemed slim. If I’m already at my car, why am I not getting out of there? And it also seemed like a recipe for a rusty or stolen gun. I’m not the only person who feels that way. (I still have that Marlin, now outfitted with XS ghost ring sights.)

Another concept that makes sense to me is the late (and I feel a pang when I say that) John Taffin’s “Perfect Packin’ Pistol”.

To quote Taffin, “Basically, a Perfect Packin’ Pistol is a handgun, either sixgun or semi-auto with an easy-handling barrel length between 4 to 5 1⁄2 inches chambered in a cartridge capable of handling anything you may run into. It’s packable, portable and potent. It may be chambered in anything from 22 LR up to 500 Wyoming Express. While the former may work well in several parts of the country, the latter would certainly be most desirable in Alaska, where you’d encounter something able to bite, claw or stomp.”

That’s a pretty expansive definition, but I understand where he’s coming from. My old Smith and Wesson Kit Gun is, to me, a perfect packin’ pistol for things like casual walks in the woods, plinking at cans, and maybe shooting a vicious squirrel should the occasion arise. It fits easily in a pocket. And if I had to…the mere presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, often serves as a deterrent. Or something like that, as the “Armed Citizen” column puts it.

As the linked article notes, Lipsey’s and Ruger are introducing a special John Taffin Tribute Perfect Packin’ Pistol. (I hope you can read the article: I am a Handloader subscriber, but it comes up okay for me even though I’m not signed in. I’m using a link I got in a Wolfe Publishing email.)

When I saw that, I kind of wanted one. I still kind of do. But I walked into my gun shop one Saturday, and…


Firings watch.

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

Keith Urgo out as men’s basketball coach of Fordham.

50-49 over three seasons. He was also suspended by the university for four games due to “recruiting violations”.

Very quick legal update.

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

Carl Erik Rinsch has been charged federally with fraud.

The director allegedly “orchestrated a scheme to steal millions by soliciting a large investment from a video streaming service, claiming that money would be used to finance a television show that he was creating,” said Matthew Podolsky, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, in a statement. “But that was fiction. Rinsch instead allegedly used the funds on personal expenses and investments, including highly speculative options and cryptocurrency trading.”

Previously on WCD. You may also remember him as “the guy who invested a bunch of the money NetFlix gave him in Dogecoin”.

Obit watch: March 20, 2025.

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

George Bell, actor, Harlem Globetrotter, and the tallest man in America.

He was 7’8″, and passed away at 67. He also served honorably with the Norfolk Sheriff’s Office for close to 14 years.

Nadia Cassini, Italian actress. Lawrence emailed this obit and added the observation that she was “the woman in ‘Starcrash’ who wasn’t Caroline Munroe”. IMDB.

Mark Dobies, actor. Other credits include “Nash Bridges”, “CSI: Miami”, and “Law and Order: Criminal Intent”.


Thursday, March 20th, 2025

Not that I care about basketball, but I love saying “Gonzaga!”

So Lawrence and I have, once again (after a few years layoff) bet on the NCAA tournament. I’m taking Gonzaga, Lawrence is taking the field.

I have a pretty good feeling about Gonzaga. I think this just might be their year…