Archive for July, 2024

Revisionist history watch.

Friday, July 19th, 2024

“Hello Kitty is not a cat,” Jill Cook, the director of retail business development at Sanrio, the creators of the iconic cartoon, told Today. “She’s actually a little girl.”
In fact, she’s a tiny girl — who “weighs three apples” and stands five apples tall — raised in the London suburbs with her twin sister Mimmy, their parents and even her own pet cat.

Obit watch: July 19, 2024.

Friday, July 19th, 2024

Bob Newhart. THR. Tributes. Appreciation. Variety.

Something very sick makes me laugh. My wife says to me, “If people ever found out what you find humorous, they’d stop showing up.” I said to her: “That’s our little secret.

“I tend to find humor in the macabre. I would say 85 percent of me is what you see on the show. And the other 15 percent is a very sick man with a very deranged mind,” he said during a 1990 interview with Los Angeles magazine.

What do you think happens on the other side?

I think if you lived a good life, some people say it is rapture. You spend the rest of your life in a state of rapture. That’d be nice. What I’m actually hoping is there’s the Pearly Gates and God’s there and he says to me, “What did you do in life?” And I say, “I was a stand-up comedian.” And he says: “Get in that real short line over there.”


God has an incredible sense of humor, an unimaginable sense of humor. Just look around.

I’ve had this discussion – God is a punster and has a sense of humor – with people at my church, too. I think it it worth noting that he was a faithful Catholic, and was married to the same woman for 60 years. (Ginny Newhart passed away in 2023.)

One of the less-reputable over the air networks used to run “The Bob Newhart Show” and “Newhart” back to back in the afternoons, and I’d have both on while I worked. I think “TBNS” is just about perfect as a show, but, oddly, I didn’t like “Newhart” so much. I do remember watching and enjoying it first run, but not so much as an adult. My dislike for it now is mostly because I felt the show shifted focus away from Dick to Michael and Stephanie, and I really didn’t like those two characters. But when Bob was dominating the screen, it was a pretty good show.

It turns out one of my favorite “Newhart” episodes is available on the ‘Tube (until someone files a copyright strike): “Dick the Kid”, season 5, episode 3.

Dick has a case of writer’s block, so he goes off to work as a cowboy on a ranch. The comic element of this episode isn’t Dick’s ineptitude as a cowboy. Just the opposite: he’s so good at being a cowboy, he wins the respect of everyone. Even the toughest most macho of the cowboys breaks down when Dick goes back to the inn.

The world is a lesser place today.

Edited to add: per THR, CBS will be airing a tribute to Bob Newhart on July 22nd, but I don’t have a specific time yet.

Lou Dobbs.

Cheng Pei-pei, Chinese actress. IMDB.

Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnamese Communist leader.

Obit watch: supplimental.

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Both THR and Variety are reporting the passing of Bob Newhart at the age of 94.

I think this needs to wait until tomorrow for a round-up, but I wanted to get the news out there.

One of my favorite Bob Newhart memories:

Obit watch: July 18, 2024.

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

Robert Pearson, hair stylist turned…barbecue chef.

He was pretty successful as a stylist, working with Vidal Sassoon and Paul Mitchell, as well as setting up a chain of salons in Bloomingdale’s.

By the end of the 1970s, Mr. Pearson was growing tired of the stylist’s life, in particular the long trips around the country to train stylists and speak at industry conventions. He did enjoy visits to one city, though: Lubbock, where he first encountered Texas-style barbecue.

He took up Texas-style barbecue seriously.

He purchased a $13,000 custom-made pit from Texas. He bought mesquite wood at $800 a cord, which he blended with local green oak (at just $110 a cord); after much experimentation, he found that a one-to-four ratio created the right balance of smoke from the mesquite and moisture from the oak to fuel the six- to 18-hour fires he needed to cook his meats.
Mr. Pearson was a purist: He insisted on wood, and only wood, as fuel. He cooked low and very, very slow. He eschewed rubs and sauces, letting flavor emerge from the meat and smoke. He specialized in brisket, the lodestar of Texas barbecue, but also offered half chickens, pork shoulder and the occasional exotic fare, like alligator, elk loin and rattlesnake.

His first location was in Connecticut, just off of I-95. Later on, he moved it to Queens.

After establishing himself in Queens, Mr. Pearson tried to open an outlet in Manhattan, which he supplied with food cooked in Queens. But he found that the cooked meat lost its zing during the drive across the East River, and in any case the space caught fire a few days after opening.
In the late 1990s, he stepped back from his restaurant, not long before it lost its lease under pressure from neighbors who, despite loving his food, were less enamored with its constant, thick smoke.

While many young pit masters looked to Mr. Pearson as a mentor, few chose to follow his near-religious devotion to an austere interpretation of Texas barbecue, and in particular his aversion to sauce.
Conceding to consumer tastes, he did offer a quartet of sauces as an accompaniment: mild, medium, “madness” and “mean,” which he said, with some disdain, was a further concession to “macho” diners who insisted that real barbecue had to be wet and spicy. Mean, made with a pile of Szechuan peppercorns, gave them what they wanted, and more.
“When I’m making that sauce at the store, I’ve got to make sure it’s very quiet, and nobody else is around,” he told Newsday. “It’s very volatile. Mean is not really meant for human consumption.”

Peter Buxtun, one of the people responsible for exposing the Tuskegee Study.

For the benefit of my younger readers:

Officially known as the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male, the research began in 1932 with the recruiting of about 400 poor, undereducated Black men in Macon County, Ala., whose seat is Tuskegee. All had been found to have syphilis.
The infected men were deceptively told that they had “bad blood,” not a sexually communicable disease that could lead to blindness, heart injury and death. The researchers wanted to use them as human guinea pigs, without their informed consent, to study the ravages of syphilis.
Even after penicillin was found in the 1940s to be an effective cure for syphilis, the men were not offered treatment. In one sample of 92 deceased men from the study, 30 percent were found to have died of syphilis complications.

But in the early 1970s, after Mr. Buxtun had left the health service for law school, he turned his files over to reporters for The Associated Press. An article by Jean Heller, an A.P. investigative reporter, ran on front pages around the country, including in The New York Times on July 26, 1972.
“All hell broke loose,” said Susan M. Reverby, the author of “Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and Its Legacy.”

Hearings called by Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, at which Mr. Buxtun testified, led to the termination of the study. A class-action lawsuit on behalf of survivors and descendants was settled for $10 million. In 1997, President Bill Clinton invited surviving Tuskegee subjects to the White House, where he offered a formal apology and called the government’s actions over four decades “shameful” and “clearly racist.”

I like this quote:

Dr. Reverby, who got to know Mr. Buxtun, described him as a political libertarian and National Rifle Association member who was angry that the health agency where he worked, tracing people with sexually transmitted diseases, was denying treatment to the Alabama men.
“He thought it was outrageous and wrong,” she said, adding, “He was really a strong-willed, irascible guy.”

Obit watch: July 17, 2024.

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Naomi Pomeroy, prominent Portland chef. She appeared on a few reality shows, but probably wasn’t that well known to my readers. The obit is interesting, though.

She and her first husband, Michael Hebb, got started by hosting “underground suppers”. They proved popular enough that they were able to get investors and started opening brick and mortar restaurants. They got widespread acclaim in Portland for “revitalizing” the restaurant scene there, and some national acclaim.

Then it all fell apart. One day, Mr. Hebb told Ms. Pomeroy that there wasn’t any money left to pay the staff or run the restaurants, and left town that night. (There’s a good article from “Portland Monthly” in 2009 about what happened, if you want more details.)

Ms. Pomeroy was left holding the bag. The “Portland Monthly” article and, to some extent, the NYT obit, make it sound like she was the real talented chef of the two, while Mr. Hebb was more of an idea and hype man.

Ms. Pomeroy did manage to recover and re-enter the restaurant business. She was 49, and died in a tubing accident on the Willamette River.

NYT obit for James B. Sikking (archived).

Obit watch: July 16, 2024.

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

Evan Wright, journalist and author. (Generation Kill)

The number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You can also dial 988 to reach the Lifeline.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#122 in a series)

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

This just in: Senator Robert “Gold Bar Bob” Menendez convicted on all counts. (Previously.)

The NYT coverage is probably better, but it is also being constantly updated and is paywalled. I may possibly throw up a link to their story later today or tomorrow.

Edited to add 7/17: here’s the second day NYT story.

A Manhattan jury returned the verdict after deliberating for about 13 hours over three days in Federal District Court. Mr. Menendez was found guilty on all 16 counts he faced, including bribery, honest services wire fraud, extortion, obstruction of justice, conspiracy and acting as an agent for Egypt.

That seems relatively short.

He was charged with 16 different felonies, including bribery, extortion, obstructing justice and acting as an illegal foreign agent, with the top counts carrying a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

Your loser update: All-Star time.

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Looks like the All-Star Game is tomorrow, and we’re at the break. So it is probably a good time to check on a few MLB teams.

The Chicago White Sox seem to have gained a hap or two. They are currently at 27-71, with a .276 winning percentage. That works out to about 117 losses if my math is right. I think that’s good enough to qualify for the MLB historical list, but perhaps not as bad as I was hoping for. Then again, I was hoping for “1899 Cleveland Spiders” bad. And you know, that projection might be off. 120 losses is still in play.

The Marlins are at 33-63, .344. That works out to 106 losses, which I don’t think is quite record worthy. After Miami, Colorado is 34-63, .351, projecting out to 105 losses. Also probably just out of record contention.

Obit watch: July 15, 2024.

Monday, July 15th, 2024

James B. Sikking, great character actor, has passed away at 90.

Yes, yes, “Howard Hunter” on “Hill Street Blues” and Doogie Howser’s dad. But he had a pretty substantial resume beyond those. 159 acting credits in IMDB, including one of the movies based on a minor SF TV show from the 1960s, “Cop Rock” (an unaccredited appearance as “Howard Hunter”: I just had to get that in), “The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo”, the good “Hawaii Five-0”, “The Rockford Files”, “Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy”, “The F.B.I.”, “Perry Mason”, “Von Ryan’s Express”…seriously, man was in every darn thing.

Including “Mannix”. (“One For the Lady”, season 4, episode 2. He was “Mark Langdon”. “Desert Run”, season 7, episode 6. He was “Sketchley”.)

Obit watch: July 14, 2024.

Sunday, July 14th, 2024

Wow. It has been a weekend, hasn’t it?

Happy Bastille Day to all my readers, since I don’t expect to do a second post today.

The only thing I have to say about Trump is: in my opinion, 130 yards is not a sniper shot. It really isn’t even a very long shot for the average person. I believe most people zero their rifles so they’re on target at 100 to 150 yards. Calling this guy a “sniper” is an insult to actual snipers.

With all that out of the way:

Shannen Doherty. NYT (archived). IMDB.

Richard Simmons. THR.

And finally, speaking of snipers, Dr. Ruth Westheimer. NYT (archived).

…Westheimer is quoted as saying, “When I was in my routine training for the Israeli army as a teenager, they discovered completely by chance that I was a lethal sniper. I could hit the target smack in the center — further away than anyone could believe. Not just that, even though I was tiny and not even much of an athlete, I was incredibly accurate [at] throwing hand grenades, too. Even today, I can load a Sten automatic rifle in a single minute, blindfolded.”

I’m sorry if it seems like I’m shorting these three people on coverage, but I feel like they all are getting a tremendous amount of coverage already (modulo the ongoing news coverage) and I just don’t have anything to add.

And speaking of holidays…

Friday, July 12th, 2024

…happy 45th anniversary of Disco Demolition Night!

For those of my readers who may be unfamiliar with what is (in my humble opinion) one of the three great events in sports history, here’s a “game story” from SABR.

Among those taking to the field was 21-year-old aspiring actor Michael Clarke Duncan; during the melee, Duncan slid into third base, had a silver belt buckle stolen, and went home with a bat from the dugout.

You know, I’m not sure I would consider a bat to be a good trade for a silver belt buckle. Also, how do you steal a belt buckle? Unless you’re Apollo Robbins

Here’s a 25th anniversary documentary that I don’t think I’ve linked to before:

And a more recent 45th anniversary compilation:

Finally, Steve Dahl’s “Do You Think I’m Disco?”:

As someone with no musical talent at all, I will leave it to my loyal readers to judge the quality of this song.

Brief sports notes.

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

I feel like I have to say something about the firing of Gregg Berhalter, since this is Even though I hate soccer.

On a happier note, here’s a fun article from The Society for American Baseball Research: “You’re Out of Here: A History of Umpire Ejections”.

Yes, I don’t like baseball either. But I dislike it less than I do soccer, and a history of baseball ejections is the kind of weird thing that appeals to me. Much like Disco Demolition Night…