Archive for June 28th, 2024

Now that I’m done with my obligations for the day…

Friday, June 28th, 2024

…I’m going to sit back with a large knock of bourbon and some ginger ale (real ginger ale, not diet: Drink Canada Dry, or die trying), and drink a toast to guffaw and Gavrilo Princip Day!

I suppose, technically, it would be more fitting to take a shot. But I have a bottle around the house that I wanted to finish up.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#121 in a series)

Friday, June 28th, 2024

Celeste Murphy used to be the police chief in Chattanooga. (The one in Tennessee, in case you were wondering.)

She resigned on Wednesday.

She turned herself in on Thursday.

On Tuesday, the Hamilton County Grand Jury returned a 17-count indictment, charging Murphy with one count of Illegal Voter Registration, one count of False Entries on Official Registration or Election Documents, three counts of False Entries in Governmental Records, three counts of Forgery, three counts of Perjury, and six counts of Official Misconduct. This morning, Murphy surrendered to agents at the Hamilton County Jail, where authorities booked her and subsequently released her after Murphy posted an aggregate $19,000 bond.

This sounds like more of that voter fraud that never happens. Or it could be someone trying desperately to hold onto a position that requires residence in the area:

We looked into her residency information, and found that she is listed as a homeowner in Atlanta on the Fulton County Property Records website.
She is listed as having purchased a home in September 2020, and still being one of two primary homeowners.
Property tax logs show that taxes were still paid on the home.
Meanwhile, a look at Hamilton County Property Records shows that she is not listed as a homeowner in Chattanooga.

Obit watch: June 28, 2024.

Friday, June 28th, 2024

“Kinky” Friedman followup: NYT. THR.

How about a little music?

Edited to add: Reason tribute. Noted here for two reasons:

1. Jesse Walker mentions another of my favorite Kinky songs that I decided not to use, but it was a close decision: “We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to You”.

2. I had always associated Kinky with the “dropped acid and listened to Shiva’s Headband at the Armadillo World Headquarters” crowd, so this is an interesting quote:

He even sneered at the Armadillo World Headquarters, the town’s legendary music venue: “A lot of people think it’s a very warm place, but to me it’s an airplane hangar.”

This is pushing the definition of an “obit” just a bit, but Will Dabbs, MD, who is rapidly becoming one of my favorite modern gun writers, has a nice tribute up to Donald Sutherland.

More specifically, it is a tribute to Donald Sutherland’s role as “Oddball” in “Kelly’s Heroes”.

I’ve seen “Kelly’s Heroes”, but when I was a child, on the late night movies. (Kids, ask your parents about late night movies on TV.) I think the Saturday Movie Conspiracy is going to be re-watching it in the fairly near future. And I had not heard the story about the grenades.

This is a knife…

Friday, June 28th, 2024

A while back, some jerk said:

You know, I wonder if you could forge a knife out of Battleship Texas steel…probably, if you could get enough of it from the Foundation.

We have our answer: yes, you can.

And the Battleship Texas Foundation is auctioning them off, along with other items made from salvaged battleship materials.

The auction opens tomorrow, though some things have already sold at the “Buy It Now” price. Yes, it is pricy stuff, but it is also for (what I think is) a good cause.

And even if you don’t buy anything from the auction, there’s a lot of artists participating that might be worth looking into.