Archive for February 3rd, 2023

Bagatelle (#78).

Friday, February 3rd, 2023


New York to feel like a below-zero Arctic hell amid Northeast cold spell

New York will be hit with dangerously cold conditions this weekend, as an Arctic blast threatens most of the Northeast and puts residents in some areas at risk of getting frostbite in as little as three minutes.



Friday, February 3rd, 2023

I apologize for the radio silence the past couple of days.

The power at our house went out shortly before 7 AM (CT) on Wednesday and is still not restored at the time of this writing.

I was thinking it’d be back on sometime on Wednesday. Then I was thinking sometime on Thursday.

I’ve gone into the office this morning to get work done and things charged. I managed to keep the cell phones charged up by tapping the battery on my laptop, but I ran that down to 2% before I got into the office. I have a UPS protecting the network equipment at the house (cable modem/router/issued work from home gear) but it feels like the same event that took out the power also took out Spectrum internet in our area, so I couldn’t get an Internet connection anyway. And by now, the UPS is fully discharged (though it will run for about five hours with all that crap connected to it).

AUSTIN, Texas – Austin Energy says there is no timeline for system-wide power restorations, after saying on Wednesday it could be restored by Friday evening.

To be clear about this, the issue is not an ERCOT/power grid problem, like it was a while back. This is just simply ice accumulation on power lines bringing them down, and ice accumulation on trees causing limbs to fall and take out power lines.

Edited to add: power restored at our house at about 1 PM CT today. So that’s about 54 hours without electricity, by my reckoning.