Archive for March 14th, 2020

Stuff’s getting serious watch: part II

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

The April Wanenmacher’s Tulsa Arms Show has been cancelled.

In light of current events, we do not want to put our exhibitors, spectators or employees at risk. For over 65 years we have held two shows a year without exception until now. For the safety of everyone involved, this is the right thing to do.
Additionally, we are very concerned that the Governor of Oklahoma will follow the example of other states and limit the number of people allowed to gather in one space. Should this happen, we want to give everyone as much time as possible to change their travel plans.

Again, I don’t think this is any vast conspiracy: I think, as the Wanenmacher people say, they are just being cautious.

(And I can’t get that upset: Mike the Musicologist and I had put off going until November of this year, even though the April show is normally the one we’d go to in our rotation. This year, though, the S&WCA Symposium is in Tulsa in June, so we decided to push Wanenmacher’s out to November so my wallet would have time to recover.)

Happy Pi Day!

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Sadly, the celebration this year is more than a little subdued, and not just because Pi Day falls on a Saturday.

I had actually planned to do Pi Day (observed) on Monday at work. I’d even ordered pies six days in advance. Unfortunately, that was overtaken by events.

So, in lieu of pie, have some Pi: a blog post from Timothy Mullican about his record-setting calculation of Pi to 50 trillion digits, on what’s basically commodity hardware.

(Wikipedia’s chronology of Pi computations.)

(y-cruncher homepage.)