Archive for November 20th, 2019

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#61 in a series)

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

Remember Catherine Pugh, the former mayor of Baltimore? The “Healthy Holly” scandal?

She’s just been indicted on 11 counts of “fraud, tax evasion, and conspiracy”.

In a grand jury indictment made public Wednesday, prosecutors allege Pugh defrauded area businesses and nonprofit organizations with nearly $800,000 in sales of her “Healthy Holly” books to unlawfully enrich herself, promote her political career and illegally fund her campaign for mayor.
Though her customers ordered more than 100,000 copies of the books, the indictment says Pugh failed to print thousands of copies, double-sold others and took some to use for self-promotion. Pugh, 69, used the profits to buy a house, pay down debt, and make illegal straw donations to her campaign, prosecutors allege.

I don’t have a lot of time to dwell on this at the moment (I’ll be leaving work in about 15 minutes and hoping I don’t have to deal with the presidental motorcade) but I may update later this evening or tomorrow.

(Hattip to Mike the Musicologist. Apparently, there are several web sites reporting she’s been convicted, but the Sun’s coverage is just reporting an indictment.)

Step 1: go big.

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019

I’ve noted before that I don’t like linking to ESPN. But this is too good a story, and I haven’t seen coverage of it elsewhere.

Jeff David was the former “chief revenue officer” for the Sacramento Kings from 2011 to 2018. During that time, he managed to line his pockets. And not just with his regular salary.

He embezzled over $13 million dollars.

While he’s a crook, I’ve got to give the guy some props for complying with my rule number one: if you’re going to steal, steal big. $13 million is hardly penny-ante: that is the kind of money that I believe could set you up in a country without an extradition treaty for the rest of your life.

However, it seems like his downfall was an unwillingness to uproot his family and move permanently to one of those places. Or, rule number two: