Archive for August 9th, 2019

Black Hat/DEFCON 27 links: August 9, 2019.

Friday, August 9th, 2019

Some more stuff I’ve stumbled across from Black Hat:

I expect to be somewhere between slightly and highly busy this weekend, so updates will be catch as catch can. It might be Monday before I can pull more stuff together, but I’ll try as best as I can to get updates before then.

Obit watch: August 9, 2019.

Friday, August 9th, 2019

Rosie Ruiz, historical footnote. She apparently died in early July, but her death was not widely reported until recently.

For the younger set: Ms. Ruiz “won” the 1980 Boston Marathon, with a “finishing time” of 2:31:56.

But suspicions about her victory arose immediately. Spotters had not seen her at checkpoints along the 26-mile course, and after the race she told a television interviewer that she had run only one other marathon, the 1979 New York City Marathon, and that she had finished that race in 2:56:33.

Eventually, it came out that Ms. Ruiz hadn’t actually finished the NYC Marathon:

New York City Marathon officials invalidated Ruiz’s time after reviewing videotape showing that Ruiz had not crossed the finish line in the time she had mistakenly been assigned by a volunteer, who thought Ruiz was an injured runner.
Days later, Ruiz’s victory in Boston was also nullified. Race organizers there based their decision on about 10,000 photographs taken along the last mile of the race as well as on information supplied by the news media and observers along the route. In addition, at least one witness recalled seeing Ruiz enter the course at Kenmore Square, about a mile from the finish line.

Jacqueline Gareau was declared the women’s winner. According to Wikipedia (I know, I know) her time was 2:34:28, which was a record women’s time for the Boston Marathon.