Archive for July 31st, 2019

Oh the weather outside is frightful…

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

…actually, it’s not all that bad in Austin. The estimated high today is a mere 99 degrees Fahrenheit (558.67 degrees Rankine).

But I know many of my readers are suffering from the heat, so here’s something that I hope will cool you down for a few minutes:

“The Stranding of the MV Shokalskiy”.

Beyond my interest in polar exploration, there’s a lot of stuff in here that prompted chuckles:

Mawson kept going, covering the last 100 miles by himself. Whether or not he snacked on Mertz is a polarizing question in Mawson scholarship.

Reached by the BBC, the poor marketing person for the adventure company put it succinctly: “The hull has a hole the size of a fist and the outlook is not so positive for the ship at the moment.”
The outlook became less positive a few minutes later, when the ship sank.

Ernest Shackleton is one of those genuinely admirable people, like Nikola Tesla or Frida Kahlo, who are somehow diminished by the embrace of their posthumous admirers. I think of this as Rick and Morty syndrome. You love the original, but then you look around in horror at the people enjoying it with you and think—is this me? These people are awful! Will I become one of them?

In 2013, Turney saw a chance to answer a question no one was asking—what if Shackleton had had a Twitter feed?

There had already been choral music, and there threatened to be more.

Obit watch: July 31, 2019.

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

Breaking, but I kind of want to get something up now: Harold Prince, one of the great men of Broadway.

Variety. (Hattip: Lawrence.) Preliminary obit from the NYT, with promises of a fuller obit to come.

…he was known, throughout his career, for his collaborations with a murderer’s row of creative talents, among them the choreographers Bob Fosse, Jerome Robbins, Michael Bennett and Susan Stroman, the designers Eugene Lee, Patricia Zipprodt and Florence Klotz, and the composers Leonard Bernstein, John Kander, Stephen Sondheim, who was his most frequent confederate, and Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Possibly more later.