Archive for April 5th, 2019

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#53 in a series)

Friday, April 5th, 2019

Kind of a brief one, but I didn’t get to use this trope last night, so what the heck:

The Baltimore Sun has a good summary of the “Healthy Holly” scandal that’s threatening to take down Mayor (and former state Senator) Catherine Pugh.

There’s also a “special section” that collects links to their other stories. My personal favorite so far:

How the rise of the self-publishing industry contributed to the problems for Baltimore’s mayor

I’m not kidding. That’s an actual headline from an actual article.

Pugh’s administration was beset by other problems long before her book deal came under attack. But Baltimoreans might wonder what would have happened if the Kindle had never been invented, or if the meteoric rise of the self-publishing industry had been delayed by perhaps three decades. Would “Healthy Holly” have remained Pugh’s own private brainchild instead of a roughly 80-page national embarrassment? And would she still occupy the Baltimore mayor’s office today?

Come on. It’s Baltimore, gentlemen: if it wasn’t this, it would have been something else. Grifters gonna grift, and technology doesn’t change that.