Archive for March 29th, 2019

Bad cop! No doughnut!

Friday, March 29th, 2019

Lawrence emailed me about this yesterday: while I think some other people have picked up on this, it still seems to be worth covering.

Paterson, New Jersey police officer (in uniform) slaps the s–t out of a hospital patient lying in a bed. The same officer also previously punched the same man while he was in a wheelchair.

Ruben McAusland was sentenced Wednesday to more than five years in prison for drug dealing and assaulting a hospital patient. McAusland was on duty and in uniform during the March 18, 2018 incident.

How do we know this happened? One of his fellow officers took cell phone video.

Police officer Roger Then recorded video of the assault with his cell phone. Then has pleaded guilty in the hospital assault.

Earlier this month, the Columbus (Ohio) police department disbanded their vice unit. This is the same vice unit that arrested Stormy Daniels, an arrest that Internal Affairs deemed “improper”.

Three out of ten officers in the unit had been suspended, and one – Andrew Mitchell – is under indictment:

…on federal charges of abusing his role as a law enforcement officer, obstructing justice, witness tampering, and making false statements to investigators. According to the indictment, he had kidnapped multiple women and coerced them into sex in exchange for their release from his custody.

Last August, Mitchell shot and killed a woman during a prostitution arrest. He was already being investigated by the department.

On the side, former officer Mitchell (he retired after the indictment) is a landlord. Arguably, he’s a slumlord:

The former tenants interviewed by The Appeal described their buildings as neglected and pest-ridden (the city has filed 37 violations on his properties since 2015 for problems like housing code violations and environmental issues). Mitchell also was known for frequent evictions—381 since 1996, according to county records.

Mitchell is said to own fifteen properties. Assuming he’s owned all of those since 1996, that’s over one eviction per year per property. That seems rather high to me, but this might explain it:

Mitchell apparently was in the practice of renting to desperate women who didn’t have much money, pressuring them to have sex with him in exchange for free or discounted rent, and evicting the ones who wouldn’t.

Sometimes, I just don’t know what to say.

Unrelated to bad police side note that I don’t have anyplace else for: the Supreme Court granted Patrick Murphy a stay of execution.

The State may not carry out Murphy’s execution pending the timely filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari unless the State permits Murphy’s Buddhist spiritual advisor or another Buddhist reverend of the State’s choosing to accompany Murphy in the execution chamber during the execution.

Obit watch: March 29, 2019.

Friday, March 29th, 2019

I think this is a swell NYT obit for Michel Bacos. (Previously.)

His death was announced by Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, where Mr. Bacos lived.
“Michel bravely refused to surrender to anti-Semitism and barbarism and brought honor to France,” Mayor Estrosi said. “Michel was a hero.”

“There was no way we were going to leave — we were staying with the passengers to the end,” Mr. Bacos (pronounced bah-COSE) told the Israeli website in 2016. “This was a matter of conscience, professionalism and morality. As a former officer in the Free French Forces, I couldn’t imagine leaving behind not even a single passenger.”
As he recounted to the BBC that year, “I told my crew that we must stay until the end, because that was our tradition, so we cannot accept being freed. All my crew agreed without exception.”

[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu tweeted this week that Mr. Bacos had “stayed with the hostages through all their hardships, until I.D.F. soldiers — led by my brother Yoni — freed him in a daring operation.”
“I bow my head in his memory,” he added, “and salute Michel’s bravery.”

(For those unfamiliar with the Entebbe raid: Yonatan Netanyahu was the leader of the assault force, and was killed during the attack.)

Returning to Israel in their military transport plane, the commandos fetched Mr. Bacos from the cabin. “Your place is not here,” he recalled a soldier telling him, “but in the cockpit.”

Michel joined the Free French Forces as a teenager during World War II and was stationed in Morocco as a naval aviation officer.
“I fought the Nazis,” he said. “I knew precisely what fascism was all about. The genocide is a horror that none of us had forgotten.”

Mr. Bacos allowed himself a two-weak break after the hijacking. But once back from vacation, he requested a specific destination for his first flight: Tel Aviv.

Awful lot of dust in the air this morning.

Edited to add 3/30: