Archive for March, 2019

Obit watch: March 19, 2019.

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Reason has a nice obit up for Dick Dale.

“…We’re like Johnny Appleseed, crossing the country and sowing the seeds of survival.”

Johnny Thompson, aka “The Great Tomsoni”,

…a pompous caricature of a magician. His act, full of deadpan humor and often performed with his wife, Pamela Hayes, as his indifferent assistant, left spectators laughing so much that they might not have fully appreciated that they were also seeing expertly executed tricks.

He was more than a magician, though: he was a consultant and advisor to other magicians (including Penn and Teller, who he worked extensively with) and an expert magic historian.

“Johnny had a profound way of taking an idea and creating an illusion that worked,” he said by email. “When I called him and asked, ‘How do I make a guarded car vanish from inside of a dealership?,’ without missing a beat he said, ‘We don’t, we vanish it from a tent outside, just like the vanishing elephant illusion,’ ” a reference to a classic trick performed by Houdini and others.
Mr. Jillette said that this knowledge of history had also come into play in a less visible role that Mr. Thompson filled: that of informal mediator when one magician thought another might be stealing material.
“If two people felt they were doing material that was too close, Johnny knew the provenance of everything,” Mr. Jillette said. “He could adjudicate that.”

You should read all the way to the end of this obit: there’s a story involving Mr. Jillette that I won’t spoil for you here.

Obit watch: March 18, 2019.

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Dick Dale. Guitar World.

I missed the surf guitar era – I was too young. But Mr. Dale was an interesting guy: one of the other online obits I’ve seen (and can’t find now) states he practiced martial arts for 30 years. Not only that, but he used his martial arts practice as a tool to deal with the pain he suffered from multiple chronic illnesses.

How about a musical interlude?

Something you don’t see every day.

Monday, March 18th, 2019

Raw live feed from Houston’s KHOU of a tank farm fire in Deer Park, Texas.

Multiple storage tanks containing naphtha and xylene are involved. The fire’s been burning since yesterday.

(Hattip: Lawrence.)


Sunday, March 17th, 2019

Or is it hoplobibilophilia? What do you call it when you have a fondness for gun books?

Whatever it is, I have the fever. And the only cure is…more cowbell, er, buying more books. Now it’s your turn to suffer for my -phila.

Seriously, I’ve picked up a couple of books lately that I want to endorse and document Lawrence style. (Please do not confuse “Lawrence style” with “Gangnam style“.) Half-Price Books has been having another coupon sale, but the first two books here I actually ordered new from the publishers.


Obit watch: March 17, 2019.

Sunday, March 17th, 2019

Johnny “Lam” Jones, former UT football player and track star.

In his freshman year he ran in the same backfield as another Johnny Jones. To distinguish the two, Coach Darrell Royal gave one the nickname Lam, for Jones’s hometown, and the other the nickname Ham, because that Jones came from Hamlin, Tex.

He was an Olympic gold medalist in 1976 and a star football player for UT, but did not have an entirely successful pro career.

W. S. Merwin, noted poet. While I like me some poetry, and have heard of Merwin, I confess to not knowing his work very well. But:

In later years Mr. Merwin was equally known for his work as a conservationist — in particular for his painstaking restoration of depleted flora, including hundreds of species of palm, on the remote former pineapple plantation in Hawaii where he made his home. He had lived there, in blissful near-solitude, since the 1970s, refusing to answer the telephone.

Anyone who’s a fellow member of the Alexander Graham Bell Was a Meddling SOB Society is okay in my book.

I shouted out “Who killed the Kennedys?”

Saturday, March 16th, 2019

Billy Kennedy out as head coach of Texas A&M men’s basketball.

151-116 over eight seasons, two Sweet 16 appearances, but 14-18 this season.

Edited to add: with a rebel yell, he cried more more more.

Marvin Menzies out at University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Three years, 17-14 this season, 48-48 overall.

Mike Dunleavy Sr. out at Tulane (Green Wave!).

Dunleavy’s .258 winning percentage (24-69) is the second-poorest among all coaches in school history. The only coach with a poorer winning percentage is Ted Lendhardt, whose 1963-64 team lost the first 22 games before beating LSU in the final game for a 1-22 record (.043).

They were 4-27 this year, lost their last 21 games in a row and went 0-18 in conference.


Friday, March 15th, 2019

I feel a moral obligation to say something about the New Zealand massacre.

Problem is, I don’t have anything to say right now that won’t make me feel like I’m waving the bloody shirt around. (The NYT coverage has some interesting points that I may come back to in a day or two.)

So this is perhaps worth spreading around.

I heartily endorse this event or product. (#16 in a series)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Great and good friend of the blog Karl Rehn (official trainer to WCD) has a new book out, co-written with John Daub.

Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training is available in paperback and Kindle form. Quoting Amazon’s summary:

What percentage of carry permit holders attend training beyond the state minimum? What are the barriers keeping people from attending firearms training that isn’t mandatory? What are realistic standards for minimum defensive handgun competency? What are the best drills to practice? How can you compare the difficulty level of one drill to another? Written by two trainers with decades of experience, this book explores those questions and others related to defensive pistol training.

I haven’t read (or ordered) this book yet. But as you know, Bob, I’ve known Karl for a while and taken classes from him, so I don’t have any qualms endorsing this. I plan to order my copy soon, and will report back once I’ve read it.

Besides, if you can’t pimp your friend’s products, whose products can you pimp?

Florida Mayor, Florida Mayor…

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

I missed out on the first and second parts of this story when they ran originally, but I got tipped off to part three by way of Peter Bonilla on the twitters.

So, part one: a few weeks ago, the police went to serve a warrant on the mayor of Port Richey, Florida. Dale Massad was charged with practicing medicine without a license.

The Florida Department Law Enforcement says the Port Richey Mayor was treating people at his home even though he lost his medical license in 1992.

In December of 2017, Massad removed a fish hook from a “patient” who returned to him in April of 2018 to get a shot of cortizone, according to the arrest affidavit obtained by ABC Action News. On August 24, 2018, another “patient” came to Massad for a “surgical procedure” to close a laceration on his left ankle. During that procedure, Massad administered a local anesthetic and gave the “patient” stitches.

Apparently, they sent a SWAT team to arrest the mayor for practicing medicine without a license. That seems a little excessive to me, but it leads us to part two of the story:

The mayor shot at the SWAT team, and has been charged with attempted murder.

But wait! The story gets even better!

So with the mayor in jail and facing attempted murder charges, someone has to fill in, right?

The acting Port Richey mayor is out of jail after being arrested by FDLE agents on obstruction charges Wednesday.
Agents received information that 64-year-old Terrence Rowe, the vice-mayor of Port Richey, was conspiring to interfere with an active criminal investigation.

And what active criminal investigation was he conspiring to interfere with? Go on, guess.

An arrest report says Massad contacted Rowe earlier this month on a recorded jail phone line. During the call, deputies say Massad told Rowe, “I believe (Officer) Howard was hired illegally, fired legally and re-hired illegally.”
According to the arrest report, Massad then added “I don’t know why but he is in on everything,” referring to his arrest.
Deputies say Rowe replied that he was “on it” and Massad told him, “anything you can do is good.” Rowe then said, “You know this doesn’t go down without somebody answering for it,” the arrest report says.

By the way, Massad (who is still in jail on the attempted murder charge) is also now charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice and “use of a two-way communication device to facilitate the commission of a crime”.

Port Richey city councilman Richard Bloom tells News Channel 8 he is “shocked and confused” by the news of his colleague’s arrest, adding he “doesn’t understand all this.”

You’re not the only one, brother.

Happy Pi Day!

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Yes, there is pie: a bunch for work, and a bunch more to take down to the CPA class tonight.

Obit watch: March 14, 2019.

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

This literally just in, hot off the virtual press: Birch Bayh, former Senator from Indiana. Possibly more later.

Going out to great and good friend of the blog Borepatch: Hal Blaine, noted session drummer.

Mr. Blaine was part of a loosely affiliated group of session musicians who in the early 1960s began dominating rock ’n’ roll recording in Los Angeles. Along with guitarists like Glen Campbell and Tommy Tedesco, bassists like Carol Kaye and Joe Osborn, and keyboardists like Leon Russell and Don Randi, Mr. Blaine played on thousands of recordings through the mid-1970s.
He famously said he gave the group its name, the Wrecking Crew, although Ms. Kaye has insisted that he did not start using that term until years after the musicians had stopped working together.

He substituted for Dennis Wilson on many of the Beach Boys studio recordings:

Asked if Mr. Wilson was angry that he was replaced in the studio, Mr. Blaine said he was not.
“He was thrilled,” he said, “because while I was making Beach Boy records, he was out surfing or riding his motorcycle. During the day, when I was making $35 or $40, that night he was making $35,000” performing live.
Mr. Blaine’s other studio credits include Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs. Robinson,” the 5th Dimension’s “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In,” the Byrds’ “Mr. Tambourine Man,” Ms. Streisand’s “The Way We Were,” the Crystals’ “Da Doo Ron Ron” and Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass’s “A Taste of Honey.”

The NYT has an interesting way of presenting the obit for former UT president Bill Powers:

Francesco Cali passed away last night. He was shot six time outside his home, and (according to one report Lawrence sent me) run over by a pickup truck.

Mr. Cali was the current reputed boss of the Gambino family, John Gotti’s old outfit.

The assassination of Mr. Cali came on the same day that Joseph Cammarano Jr., the reputed acting boss of the Bonanno crime family, was acquitted at trial, and about a week after Carmine J. Persico, a longtime boss of the Colombo crime family, died in prison at age 85.

NYT on the Cammarano acquittal. Previously on Carmine “The Snake” Persico.

Edda Goering, Herman’s daughter, passed away. She was 80.

Does this count as a tax-fattened hyena watch?

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

Lawrence is all over the Felicity Huffman/Lori Loughlin bribery case, which apparently also involves a UT tennis coach. Additional coverage from ESPN. NYT coverage.

The story is developing, I don’t have as much time as I’d like to keep on top of it, and I don’t want to tread on Lawrence’s turf (although it doesn’t look like anyone was taking bribes to admit giant spiders to Yale. Yet.), so I’d recommend keeping an eye on the three sites above for updates.