Archive for July 20th, 2018

Important safety tip (#21 in a series)

Friday, July 20th, 2018

Don’t let yourself get bitten by an Egyptian cobra.

Obit watch: July 20, 2018.

Friday, July 20th, 2018

Adrian Cronauer, the inspiration for “Good Morning, Vietnam”.

Mr. Cronauer, who in reality was not quite the wild man the film suggested — later in life he worked for Republican causes and became a lawyer — admitted to some unease when he first saw the screen portrayal. But he got over it.
“Finally I said: ‘Wait a minute. It was never intended to be a biography. It’s a piece of entertainment. Sit back, relax and enjoy it,’ ” he said. “And that’s what I did.”

Annabelle Neilson. I can’t stand celebrity for celebrity’s sake, and I don’t worship celebrities in general. But there’s something about this story I find touching.

Ms. Neilson was severely dyslexic and, after being badly bullied, left school at 16. A vicious assault during a gap-year visit to Perth, Australia, left her with injuries requiring reconstructive surgery, and she soon began struggling with drug addiction.

She eventually got over her heroin problem, became a model, and was introduced to fashion designer Alexander McQueen. She went on to become his model, muse, and girlfriend until his death in 2010.

In 2014, Ms. Neilson became a star of the Bravo television series “Ladies of London,” and for two seasons viewers watched her recovery from a 2013 horseback riding accident that had left her with a broken back and pelvis.

She also wrote children’s books. Ms. Neilson was 49 when she died.