Archive for July 18th, 2018

Obit watch: July 18, 2018.

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

John A. Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason.

Mr. Stormer’s book, published by his own Liberty Bell Press, tapped into a vein of conservative alarm that was still very much present in the early 1960s, even though the Red-baiting era of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy had faded in the 1950s.

Communists, Mr. Stormer wrote, were bent on infiltrating the American government and had largely succeeded, as evidenced by American and United Nations economic support for Communist countries.
“The Communists have sworn to bury us,” Mr. Stormer wrote. “We are digging our own graves.”

The book was heavily footnoted, but its accuracy was quickly called into question. A group in Ohio, the National Committee for Civic Responsibility, did a page-by-page fact-checking and labeled the book “at best, an incredibly poor job of research and documentation and, at worst, a deliberate hoax and a fraud.” A political-science professor in California, Julian Foster, published a monograph cataloging the book’s distortions. He titled it “None Dare Call It Reason.”

Though the accuracy of “None Dare Call It Treason” was often disputed, Mr. Stormer was confident he was right, so much so that in the book’s final chapter, “What Can You Do?,” he urged his readers to scrutinize him.“First, you must educate yourself,” he wrote. “Determine that the facts in this book are true.”
Among his other advice was that people read two newspapers a day of opposite editorial viewpoints. He also urged his readers to make God a meaningful force in their lives and to be politically active.

You know, all of that is pretty good advice. But good luck finding “two newspapers a day of opposite editorial viewpoints” in this day and age.