Archive for July 16th, 2018

Obit watch: July 16, 2018.

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Nancy Barbato Sinatra, Frank Sinatra’s first wife and mother of Nancy, Frank Jr., and Christina.

This is a fascinating and kind of sad obituary. They were married from 1939 until 1951, when Frank finally left her (after years of philandering) to chase Ava Gardner. In spite of that, they remained extremely close after the divorce until Frank’s death.

“Throughout the many years after they split, my grandfather came to visit whenever his crazy life would allow it,” Mrs. Sinatra’s granddaughter A. J. Lambert wrote in a 2015 remembrance in Vanity Fair. “I can remember times when she would be on the phone with her ex-husband, and the next thing I knew some eggplant was coming out of the freezer to thaw so that she could make him some sandwiches when he showed up.”

Pat Swindall, former congressman convicted of perjury, and who ended up losing his seat to Ben “Cooter” Jones.

Alan Johnson, choreographer. He did a lot of work for Mel Brooks, including choreographing numbers in “Blazing Saddles”, “Young Frankenstein”, and “Springtime for Hitler” in “The Producers”. (I would embed that here, but it’s already in the NYT obit.)

More quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore.

Monday, July 16th, 2018

Half-Price Books had another coupon sale this week, and I picked up a few things that I feel like documenting here.

I picked up a lot of “popular culture”…stuff, I’d say, though other people might call it “crap”. Specifically, I got:

Of course, I wouldn’t be me if I hadn’t picked up some gun books, too…
