Archive for March 7th, 2016

Obit watch: March 7, 2016.

Monday, March 7th, 2016

I know I keep using this excuse, but it really was a busy weekend. I spent a large chunk of Saturday babysitting children, away from a computer I could use. I may write some later on about how I spent my Sunday, but not right now; also, I wanted to let the Nancy Reagan obits sit for a day.

NYTimes. LAT. WP. Lawrence.

Catching up from the weekend and for the historical record: Pat Conroy. NYT. WP. A/V Club. Charleston Post and Courier.

I’ve read very little of Conroy’s work: The Prince of Tides in particular always struck me as being chick lit. But somewhere recently (and I wish I could remember where) I read part of his followup to The Great Santini, The Death of Santini: The Story of a Father and His Son…and I was actually kind of hooked. Maybe I need to give his work a second look.

And I have to confess: I’m a sucker for crap like this. (See also this, which I picked up at Half-Price over the weekend, even though I’m a little embarrassed to admit it.)