Archive for April 15th, 2013

And speaking of the Beaver…

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Frank Bank, most noteworthy for playing Clarence “Lumpy” Rutherford on “Leave It To Beaver”, has died.

It is somewhat interesting (at least to me) that Mr. Bank was unable to escape his role as “Lumpy”. So he left acting and became a successful broker.

Among his clients were former co-stars Mathers and Barbara Billingsley, who had played Mrs. Cleaver. “Frank is certainly brighter than Lumpy Rutherford, and a very good stockbroker,” Billingsley said in the People magazine article.

Also noteworthy:

A longtime resident of the San Fernando Valley, he wrote a memoir, “Call Me Lumpy” (1997). Subtitled “My Leave It to Beaver Days and Other Wild Hollywood Life,” it drew attention mainly because of a bawdy chapter detailing his “perpetual sexfest” during the 1960s. “I have slept with over 1,000 women,” the chapter begins.

Call Me Lumpy” is available from Amazon. And, yes, there is a Kindle edition.

This is what happens when you’re not hard enough on the Beaver.

Monday, April 15th, 2013

When the man approached the beaver to take a close-up photograph, the beaver suddenly pounced on him and bit him in the thigh.
The bite was a nasty one that severely damaged the man’s artery, and he bled to death before he could receive proper medical assistance.


Monday, April 15th, 2013

If you’re looking here for information, don’t. TV and radio are going to be better sources.

If you’re looking here for uninformed or informed speculation, don’t. I have plenty of the former, and none of the later.

These are the two best things I’ve seen so far (both by way of Popehat’s Twitter feed):

Happy BAG Day!

Monday, April 15th, 2013

I’d like to wish all of my readers a happy national Buy A Gun Day.

My celebration this year is going to be subdued for the following reasons:

  1. Money.
  2. Most of the interesting gun shops around here are closed on Monday. Generally, in this case, I would push BAG Day out to the weekend before (but I was busy having fun on Saturday), or the weekend after. But…
  3. Every day since at least January 20, 2013 has been “Buy A Gun Day”. Seriously, good luck finding stuff out there.

While I’m on the subject: I spent most of the day Saturday with my nieces and nephews at an elementary school carnival. I won’t name the school to protect their privacy. Suffice it to say that there were a lot of fun things going on: games for the kids, bounce houses, shaved ice trailers, a cakewalk, and even a silent auction.

One of the sponsors of the silent auction? LaRue Tactical. Can you say, “Winning!” I knew you could. (I didn’t get a chance to go into the auction, but the person I was with said they had donated a gift basket of some sort. Also represented was another company, whose name escapes me, that does CHL training.) Of course, this is Texas, where molon labe is a way of life. But I was still impressed.