Archive for December 14th, 2010

Academic update: Fall, 2010.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Final grades are in.

Who's awesome?

Yes, straight A’s, thank you very much.

A couple of folks have requested this, so here you go: my final paper on the 1979 Iranian Revolution, in PDF format. Note that this is the submitted version; I would feel as if I am betraying a confidence if I uploaded the version with the professor’s annotations on it.

For those of you who may be considering ripping this off and submitting it as your own work: hey, guess what? St. Ed’s subscribes to the Turnitin system! My paper’s in the database! You’re going to get kicked out of school!

Edited to add: Just so everyone is clear, I welcome comments on the paper, even if they are of the “that’s what passes for ‘A’ quality work at a major university today?” ilk.

Edited to add 2: And we have our first critic, Dr. Rael S. Gabriel, who uses the phrase “a long-running, slow-motion train wreck”. Thanks, Dr. Gabriel; your prize is in the mail.

Edited to add 3: Dr. Gabriel has clarified his remarks to state that he was referring to The Situation, and not my paper specifically.

Edited to add 4: Dr. Gabriel has further clarified his remarks to state that he was referring to the situation in Iran prior to the 1979 revolution, and not the “Jersey Shore” idiot.

TMQ watch: December 14, 2010.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Jingle Bells!
Haynesworth smells!
Texans laid an egg!
Bears-mobile lost a wheel
and the Giants got away! Hey!

Let’s open the TMQ Tupperware and see what’s inside.


The Donald.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

Not Trump. Westlake.

An annotated list covering “all of Donald E. Westlake’s major fiction, his lone book of reportage, and three important essays”. I’m a big Westlake fan, and there’s stuff in here I didn’t know about, like Under an English Heaven. (I’d place The Hook over The Ax, personally, but that’s just me. Other than that, I think the list is pretty spot on.)

Amusingly, Lame Excuse Books just delivered my copy of Hellcats and Honeygirls.

Edited to add: Also amusingly, Lame Excuse Books is sending out a new catalog this week. Books from Lame Excuse Books make fine, fine Christmas presents for the SF, fantasy, or horror reader in your life.

(Hattip: Bill Crider.)

Followup roundup.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

The Statesman is reporting that the APD has taken further action in the case of the drunk SWAT officer: four other SWAT officers have been kicked off the team.

“It’s not punitive, although I’m sure it will be viewed by some of the officers in that respect,” he said. “We need to make sure we move forward from this, that we learn from it and that we make sure it never happens again.”

The NYT has a little “slice of (NYC) life” piece about the last day at one of the city’s OTB parlors. Short summary: where are all the cranky old men going to go now?

I am aware of the WP‘s latest “Hidden Life of Guns” effort. (Look! Mexican gun ducks!) I am not sure if and when I’ll get around to writing about it.

Edited to add: Forgot one. Followup in the NYT on the American Anthropological Association and the “science” controversy.

Busy. Reloading.

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

My long national nightmare is over.

“Running Wilde”, the show that was number one on my personal hit list this year, has been pulled from the Fox schedule. Fox had previously announced that they weren’t ordering additional episodes of the show, but now they’re not even airing the remaining unaired episodes.

I actually never watched an episode of “Running Wilde”, but it provoked strong annoyance in me because of the promos. The first pilot for “Running Wilde” was deemed unusable by Fox, so they had to re-shoot. During that time, they had no clips to promote the show…so Fox’s ads for the show featured Keri “Felicity” Russell trying to behave like a normal human being, while Will Arnett mugged for the camera. “Remember me? I’m Will Arnett. I was in a show called ‘Arrested Development’. Remember ‘Arrested Development’? Wasn’t that a great show? You should watch ‘Running Wilde’ because I’m in it, and I was in ‘Arrested Development’.”

Yeah. Go away, Will.