Archive for the ‘On a stick’ Category

Things you may have wondered about. (#3 in a series)

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

What do deep-fried Fruity Pebbles look like?

The HouChron has the answer, in yet another go around of the rodeo food (warning! Slideshow!) slideshow (warning! Slideshow!). The Fruity Pebbles photos are at the very start.

You may also have wondered what kind of person comes up with these ideas. The HouChron also has the answer at that same link, in the form of an interview with Ken Hoffman.

Not answered: how do they taste?

Another go around at the rodeo.

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

The HouChron is running a second story on rodeo food, complete with (Warning! Slideshow!) a 90-slide slideshow (Warning! Slideshow!) of various offerings. The slideshow in the previous rodeo food article appears to have been updated, so both articles point to the same photos.

The hook for this article is the “2012 Goldie Buckle Foodie Awards”. The fried red velvet cake sounds interesting, as does the banana split funnel cake. I don’t see any photos of the fried Kool-Aid, sauerkraut hush puppies, or fried Fruty Pebbles, and that’s probably just as well; I’m having dinner at Cajun Pizza Place tonight and would prefer to keep my appetite.

The most wonderful time of the year.

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

That would be the time I get to use my “On a stick” category.

Lots of things have snuck up on me in the past few weeks (wow, almost March already?), including the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

And with the rodeo comes rodeo food. The HouChron has a (warning! Slideshow!) 84 slide slideshow of food offerings (warning! Slideshow!) starting with the Rodeo Rib.

The rib is an actual cow’s rib, clean as a whistle, not a speck of meat left on it. Then Palmieri sticks a whole chuck steak, with the gristle and fat removed, on the end. As the meat cooks, it shrinks and adheres tightly to the bone, so you have to tear the meat away with your teeth.

There seems to be a fair (ha!) amount of overlap from last year. I don’t remember fried frog legs or fried beef jerky, but the chocolate covered pickle rings a bell (and I still believe the inventors of that should be tarred and feathered). Same applies to the inventors of Bum’s Blue Ribbon Pulled Pork Sundae (back again, I see).

“Nachos made from hand-cooked potato chips.” Uh, isn’t that kind of subverting the very definition of nachos?

There’s some good stuff in the slideshow, too. Now I’m craving a barbecue stuffed baked potato for dinner.

The timeless, changeless ways of the HouChron.

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Your annual slideshow (warning! Slideshow!) of rodeo food (warning! Slideshow!) is here.

Warning: this does include photos of the chocolate covered pickle and the pulled pork sundae. Also, did I mention that this is a slideshow?

(Wouldn’t fried beef jerky be kind of dry? Or is that the point; after eating a big plate of fried beef jerky, you really need one of those $12 beers?)

On a stick watch.

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Top 10 New Foods at the 2010 State Fairs“, by way of No Silence Here.

I confess, the deep-fried cheddar-bacon mashed potatoes on a stick actually look pretty good to me.

On the other hand, the original tornado potato doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but this year’s modification sounds awful. When I think of great tastes that taste great together, my list does not include “potato” and “chocolate”.

And then, of course, there’s the number 1 item on the list, which you may remember from our previous coverage.

Breakdown of the list: two items from the Texas State Fair, three items from the Minnesota State Fair, two from the San Diego County Fair, one from the “San Diego State Fair” (could this be a typo? The link to “My Burning Kitchen” indicates yes), and one each from the Indiana and Wisconsin State Fairs.

Edited to add: Speaking of “My Burning Kitchen”, “deep-fried butter in both garlic and cinnamon sugar flavor“? So not only does deep-fried butter actually exist, it comes in flavors?

“What flavor is it?” “It’s butter, innit. It’s bloody butter, it’s not any bloody flavor!”