Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#88 in a series)

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg was impeached yesterday.

That doesn’t mean he’s out of office, just that he’s going to an impeachment trial in the state Senate.

The impeachment is tied to a traffic accident in 2020.

…he initially told authorities he thought he had struck a deer or another large animal.

He actually hit a man, Joseph Boever, who died.

Ravnsborg, who took office in 2019, initially told aides and a 911 dispatcher he did not know what he hit on a rural highway as he was returning home from a Republican dinner in September 2020. He went back to the scene the next day and found the body of 55-year-old Boever, who had been walking on the highway’s shoulder.
The Highway Patrol concluded that Ravnsborg’s car crossed completely onto the highway shoulder before hitting Boever, and criminal investigators said later that they didn’t believe some of Ravnsborg’s statements.

Ravnsborg pled to two traffic related misdemeanors in the accident, but apparently there are a lot of people who don’t believe his story. Including Governor Kristi Noem, who is also a Republican: Ravnsborg claims she’s out to get him because he’s been investigating her.

In its 36-31 vote, the House rejected the recommendation of a GOP-backed majority report from a special investigative committee and sided with Noem, who has argued that Ravnsborg lied to investigators. Democrats also had pushed for impeachment, arguing that he was not “forthcoming” to law enforcement officers and had abused the power of his office.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#87 in a series)

Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

Brian A. Benjamin, the lieutenant governor of the state of New York, has been indicted on federal bribery charges.

The indictment, the result of an investigation by the F.B.I. and the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, accused Mr. Benjamin of conspiring to direct state funds to a Harlem real estate investor in exchange for orchestrating thousands of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to Mr. Benjamin’s unsuccessful 2021 campaign for New York City comptroller, the people said. The investor was arrested on federal charges in November.

In a grand jury indictment last November, prosecutors said that Mr. Migdol began to steer thousands of dollars worth of fraudulent contributions to Mr. Benjamin in October 2019, just a month after the state senator filed to run for comptroller. They accused him of making straw donations in the name of individuals, including his 2-year-old grandchild, who did not consent to them, and of reimbursing others for the cost of their contributions.
At the time, the prosecutors did not comment on Mr. Migdol’s motive, or explicitly name Mr. Benjamin. But they said his scheme was designed to help the candidate tap into New York City’s generous public campaign matching funds program and secure him tens of thousands of dollars in additional campaign cash.

Edited to add: Well, that was fast. Mr. Benjamin is now the former lieutenant governor.

Despite his resignation, Mr. Benjamin is likely to remain on the Democratic primary ballot in June, along with two main challengers. Because Mr. Benjamin was designated as the Democratic Party’s nominee for lieutenant governor, his name could only be removed at this point if he were to move out of the state, die or seek another office.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#86 in a series)

Monday, April 11th, 2022

In haste, for two reasons. One is that I have other things to blog.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo’s chief of staff and two former staff members are facing felony criminal indictments in connection to a controversial contract awarded last year.

The three people charged are Chief of Staff Alex Triantaphyllis, Wallis Nader, and Aaron Dunn. The charges are related to a “COVID-19 communication contract” which…

…went to a one-person company, Elevate Strategies, run by a political strategist with a limited track record that did not receive the highest scores in the bidding process.

My second reason for blogging in haste is: Lawrence is on this story like flies on a severed cow’s head in a Damien Hirst installation. You should really go over to his site for coverage on this, especially since he’s linking to more local sources.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#85 in a series)

Friday, April 8th, 2022

I missed this story until Reason covered it.

The ex-police chief of San Angelo, Texas, was convicted of “receipt of a bribe by an agent of an organization receiving federal funds” and three counts of “honest services mail fraud”.

A police chief – even an ex-chief – being convicted of bribery and “honest services” fraud is noteworthy enough. But this crosses over into a whole new level of weird.

A federal prosecutor had told jurors the evidence they have will show Vasquez used his position as police chief in 2015 to circumvent the bidding process by which city contracts are awarded and convince city officials to stick with its current provider of radio communication systems, San Antonio based Dailey-Wells Communications, the licensed seller of L3Harris radios.

That’s not the weird part. The weird part: Dailey-Wells Communications had contracted with the former chief’s Earth, Wind, and Fire cover band to play at their corporate events.

No, you are not having a stroke. Yes, you read that right: the police chief’s Earth, Wind, and Fire cover band.

Once the new contract was awarded in 2015, Dailey-Wells hired Funky Munky to play 10 shows for about $84,000. The band’s other performances in that era earned them some $2,100 a show.

This appears to be the band’s Facebook page, but it hasn’t been updated since August of 2020. The website seems to be defunct.

Dear Ross Ward…

Monday, April 4th, 2022

…I live in Austin, Texas.

Spamming the comments in my blog (especially the “Contact information for the Austin City Council” page) with posts about your campaign for South Carolina House District 112 is a bad idea for the following reasons:

  • I’m not going to vote for you, since I don’t live in South Carolina.
  • The vast majority of my readers aren’t going to vote for you, since they don’t live in South Carolina.
  • Any of my readers who do live in South Carolina won’t vote for you anyway because you are a spamming scumbag. Let me repeat that: Ross Ward is a spamming scumbag.
  • If you keep spamming my blog comments, I will be going to your ISP and I will be asking them to shut your site down.

Is there any word in what I just said that you have trouble understanding?

Hugs, kisses, and die in a fire Ross Ward you spamming scumbag. Sincerely, your friends at

P.S. Strongly worded message follows.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#84 in a series)

Friday, March 25th, 2022

Missed this yesterday, but: Jeff Fortenberry (R-Nebraska) was convicted. (Previously.)

A federal jury deliberated less than two hours before convicting the nine-term Nebraska congressman on one count of concealing conduit campaign contributions and two counts of lying to federal agents.

The congressman faces up to five years in prison on each count, although he could also receive supervised release.
Ironically, he does not have to give up his congressional seat. Federal law requires members of Congress to give up their seats only for crimes that are tied to treason.

I’m sorry, but you know I have to do this.

Going back to the story, though, he does face a primary challenge from Mike Flood (a state senator).

The investigation ramped up when the FBI discovered that a Nigerian billionaire, Gilbert Chagoury, had been funneling cash into the campaigns of four Republican politicians: former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, current California Rep. Darrell Issa, former Nebraska Rep. Lee Terry and Fortenberry.
It is illegal for U.S. elected officials to accept foreign money.
The World-Herald asked prosecutor Mack Jenkins, who led the case with the help of prosecutors Susan Har and Jamari Buxton, if Fortenberry would have been prosecuted had he gotten rid of the money soon after learning it was suspect. The other three politicians weren’t prosecuted; they got rid of any illegal money soon after they were confronted. Fortenberry took 2 ½ years to give his to charity. And was evasive along the way.

Mitt Romney, you say? Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm.

In other news, I don’t know that I want to do a full flaming hyenas on this one, but I can’t resist the NYPost:

It was the usual: she got drunk…

…allegedly said one girl was an “acne f–ker,” and hurled multiple insults at other young girls as well.
“Hispanic f–ker,” she allegedly said to one girl attending the sleepover and “judgy f–ker,” to another.

She also threw up in a laundry basket and someone’s shoe. The article doesn’t specify if the shoe belonged to “judgy f–ker”, but I’d personally be pretty judgy if someone threw up in my shoe.

Obit watch: March 24, 2022.

Thursday, March 24th, 2022

Madeleine Albright. WP.

Victor Fazio (D-California).

Mr. Fazio represented the Sacramento area from 1979 to 1999. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, he helped bring home funding for numerous projects, including a multimillion-dollar environmental institute at the University of California, Davis. He also lobbied for the funds to protect 3,700 acres of wetlands west of Sacramento as a refuge; dedicated by President Bill Clinton in 1997, it is known as the Vic Fazio Yolo Wildlife Area.

John Roach.

He was instrumental in prodding Tandy to venture into the computer market. At the time, most small computers were sold as kits to be assembled by hobbyists, but Mr. Roach believed that consumers would welcome a model that they just needed to plug in.
His team presented the original TRS-80 prototype — cobbled together from a black-and-white RCA monitor, a keyboard and a videocassette recorder — to Tandy’s chief executive, Charles Tandy, and to Lewis Kornfeld, the president of RadioShack, in January 1977.
The Apple 1 had been introduced the year before, and Commodore and other companies were marketing their own home computers, but the TRS-80 (the initials stood for Tandy RadioShack) quickly became, for a time, the most popular computer on the market.

“We were finally able to ship some machines in September and shipped 5,000 that year, all we could assemble,” Mr. Roach said. “Our competitors shipped none.”
At just under $600 (about $2,700 in today’s dollars), the computer was relatively cheap (it was $399 if connected to a separately owned viewing screen). It was available in all 8,000 of the company’s stores.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#83 in a series)

Friday, March 4th, 2022

The former mayor of Beaverton, Oregon, Dennis “Denny” Doyle, has been busted by the Feds.

Doyle, 73, a Beaverton resident, has been charged by criminal information with one count of possession of child pornography.
According to the information, between November 2014 and December 2015, Doyle is alleged to have knowingly and unlawfully possessed digital material containing child pornography, including images depicting minors under twelve.

I have not been able to determine if Mr. Doyle is or was a member of Corrupt Mayors Against Law-Abiding Gun Owners.

(Hattip to Mike the Musicologist, who asked if it counted since he’s a former mayor. I’m going to go ahead and say “yes” in this case.)

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#81 and #82 in a series)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

I’m running a little bit behind due to Ash Wednesday. My apologies.

Number one on the hit parade: Michael Madigan, the former Speaker of the Illinois House, indicted on 22 counts of racketeering.

The 22-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury comes after a yearslong federal investigation and alleges Madigan participated in an array of bribery and extortion schemes from 2011 to 2019 aimed at using the power of his office for personal gain.
The long-awaited charges punctuate a stunning downfall for Madigan, the longest serving leader of any legislative chamber in the nation who held an ironclad grip on the state legislature as well as the Democratic party and its political spoils. He was dethroned as speaker in early 2021 as the investigation swirled around him, and soon after resigned the House seat he’d held since 1971.

Also charged in the indictment was Madigan’s longtime confidant, Michael McClain, a former state legislator and lobbyist who is facing separate charges alleging he orchestrated an alleged bribery scheme by Commonwealth Edison.
That same alleged scheme forms the backbone of the indictment returned Wednesday, outlining a plan by the utility giant to pay thousands of dollars to lobbyists favored by Madigan in order to win his influence over legislation the company wanted passed in Springfield.

There’s also some stuff involving a land deal in Chinatown, Jake.

At a news conference Wednesday at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse, U.S. Attorney John Lausch said the indictment was yet another sign of the state’s seemingly intractable issue of public corruption.

I haven’t laughed this hard since the hogs et my kid brother.

The indictment was the culmination of a long-running federal probe of Madigan that broke wide open in summer 2020, when prosecutors identified him as “Public Official A” in bribery charges against ComEd.
Four people, including McClain, former ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore, former lobbyist John Hooker, and Jay Doherty, a consultant and longtime leader of the City Club of Chicago, were charged that November with bribery conspiracy and are awaiting trial. A fifth, former ComEd Vice President Fidel Marquez, has pleaded guilty to his role and is cooperating with investigators.

Someone asked me yesterday if it counts as a flaming hyena if the politician is out of office. My answer in this case is:

1. Yes, because the alleged conduct took place while he was in office.
II. I have the distinct impression that Madigan, while out of office, probably still wields a lot of power behind the scenes.
C. I’m not going to pass up a chance to kick an Illinois politician.

Number two is a bit more local story, but it has received national attention.

Van Taylor, who represents the 3rd Congressional District (in the Plano area) got 49% of the vote in Tuesday’s primary, and was in a runoff.

At least, until yesterday, when he dropped out.

Why? Well, he was married and having an affair. He paid the woman $5,000 to not say anything but the story came out anyway.

The affair part isn’t so bad, I guess. Consenting adults, between him and his wife, etc. I don’t know where the $5K came from, or if there’s a crime involved with that.

The bizarre part is who he was having the affair with: a woman who became somewhat famous as “ISIS Bride”.

From another source:

[Tania] Joya was born in London and is a UK citizen. In 2003, at 19 years old, she met John Thomas Georgelas, an American-born convert to Islam, jihadist, and supporter of the Islamic State. In September 2013, she moved to Syria and “hated” living there for how they treated women, she told Breitbart News.
“They will kill you or enslave you,” she said of ISIS. “They [Muslim fundamentalists] have medieval ideas,” she added.
Joya later informed American authorities on Georgelas, and afterward worked on counter-terrorism for three years “so we could drone him,” she said of Georgelas.

So I gather she wasn’t married, and got a divorce the old-fashioned way: by informing on her husband, so US drones could turn him into something that looked like tomato paste.

Taylor has until March 16 to remove his name from the runoff ballot, which he plans to do, according to a spokesperson. After he does that, [Keith] Self is automatically the Republican nominee for the district. There is a Democratic nominee for the seat, Sandeep Srivastava, but he faces long odds after the district was redrawn last year to favor Republicans.

I rather liked this Twitter thread:

I think that qualifies as an important safety tip for all of us dudes: have at least one friend who you can trust to tell you “banging an ISIS chick isn’t a good idea, especially if you’re already married”.

Edited to add: Battleswarm has their own take on this, which you should really go read as well.

Obit watch: February 18, 2022.

Friday, February 18th, 2022

Jim Hagedorn, House member from Minnesota.

Gail Halvorsen, the original “Candy Bomber” from the Berlin Airlift. Instead of writing a fuller obit here, I’m going to point you to the much better one Borepatch wrote.

For the historical record: NYT obit for Ian McDonald.

You’re going down in flames, you tax-fattened hyena! (#80 in a series)

Thursday, February 3rd, 2022

I wrote about Tennessee state senator Katrina Robinson’s indictment on theft, embezzlement, and wire fraud charges.

Unfortunately, I missed the results of her trial:

A judge acquitted Ms. Robinson of 15 charges against her, and a jury found her guilty last year of four counts of wire fraud, relating to about $3,400. Last month, a judge acquitted Ms. Robinson of two of those charges.

The facts that she was acquitted of 15 charges, and has had two convictions thrown out, do give me some pause. However, they apparently do not give the Tennessee State Senate pause: two is enough.

The Tennessee State Senate voted on Wednesday to remove a senator from office because of her conviction on federal wire fraud charges, the first time the chamber has removed a senator since at least the Civil War.
The senator, Katrina Robinson, 41, who was convicted of wire fraud involving federal grant money, was removed from the legislature after a 27-to-5 vote. The tally fell along party lines, with 27 Republicans voting for expulsion and five Democrats voting against, and split over arguments about whether the Senate should continue to let Ms. Robinson’s court case play out. One Democrat was absent for the vote, said Eddie Weeks, the legislative librarian.

Ms. Robinson has consistently denied any wrongdoing, said Brandon Puttbrese, a spokesman. In an interview on Wednesday, Ms. Robinson, who is Black, denounced the vote, calling it racist.
“I think the vote today was an attack on the Black vote, Black political power,” she said. “I think it is misogynistic. I think it was racist.”

Obit watch: January 26, 2022.

Wednesday, January 26th, 2022

Peter Robbins. THR.

He voiced Charlie Brown in “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”. According to reports, he was 65 years old, and died by suicide.

The number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you live outside of the United States or are looking for other help, TVTropes has a good page of additional resources.

Kathryn Kates, actress. Roles include “Seinfeld”, “Orange Is the New Black”, and “Law and Order: Sport Utility Vehicle”.

This got past me yesterday, though I did intend to mention it: Sheldon Silver, former leader of the New York State Assembly who was serving time in prison on corruption charges.