Archive for the ‘Wagers’ Category

Betting watch.

Monday, March 19th, 2012

This is to note that I owe Lawrence $5 on our Gonzaga bet. (Gonzaga!)

(Actually, I would have paid him on Saturday night, but I needed to break a $10, and forgot to do so because we were all distracted by the bidets at the Turkish restaurant.)

(“distracted by the bidets at the Turkish restaurant” is not a phrase I ever thought I would write on this blog.)

Also, Lawrence has bet me $5 that the Cubs will not win the World Series this year.

I have no joke here, I just like saying…

Thursday, March 15th, 2012


This is to note that Lawrence has bet me $5, straight across, against the Gonzaga men’s basketball team winning the championship this year. (I have Gonzaga, he has the field.) This is a little late, since the tournament has already started, but Gonzaga has not played yet.

Since I know he follows basketball more than I do (heck, Helen Keller follows basketball more than I do, at least when she’s not hiding from the Nazis) I’m curious to see who his pick is. Perhaps he’ll weigh in in comments.

What’s My Betting Line?

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

This is to publicly document that I’ve bet Lawrence $5 that the Chicago Cubs will win the World Series this year.

How about those Texans?

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

This is to document that Lawrence has bet me $5 even money that the Texans will finish better than 8-8 next season.

Declaration of policy.

Monday, January 16th, 2012

This does not apply to most of you. However, this blog has a new policy:

We will no longer put ourselves in a position to lose more than $5 to Lawrence on any single bet.

TMQ watch: December 27, 2011.

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

We might as well get down to it. This week: the 2011 TMQ All-Unwanted All-Pros. After the jump…


Your loser update: week 14, 2011.

Monday, December 12th, 2011

NFL teams that still have a chance to go 0-16:


A few notes: someone pointed out to us yesterday that Indy is just engaged in “sucking for Luck”; that is, they’re deliberately tanking the season in hopes of getting a first round the number one draft choice. We agree that this is probably the case: but all the Loser Update is intended to be, is a tally of who has a shot at going 0-16. Motivations aren’t a factor in the LU.

Secondly, we owe Lawrence $100. However, the link he posted says nothing about the Texans clinching the playoff berth. Here’s a better one.

Thirdly, this is only tangentially related to the loser update, but we’ve been threatening to link it all weekend: Elektrosjokkfotball. Basically, imagine two teams of Swedes playing soccer, where all the players (and the ref) are wearing shock collars, and the two observers/commentators have the controls. (I can’t tell for sure, but there may also have been alcohol involved.) I’d watch a lot more soccer if it was like this. (Push the “CC” button for English subtitles. Hattip: TJIC on the Twitter.)

TMQ Watch watch.

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

Last December, TMQ Watch responded to TMQ’s assertion that “Favre’s 297-game streak will never be broken”, offering Peyton Manning as an example, and stating

…we are willing to bet TMQ $5 that Peyton Manning breaks Favre’s record. If WCD and TMQ can agree on someone to hold the bet in escrow until Halloween 2016, WCD will put our $5 up now.

TMQ never contacted us to agree on terms. However, we are honorable people, and we clearly lost that bet. Accordingly, in lieu of paying TMQ $5 directly, we are making a donation to A Call To Men, an organization TMQ praised in that same column.

TMQ Watch: September 6, 2011.

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

We apologize for the delay in posting this week’s TMQ Watch. We’re taking a class on alternating Tuesday nights; last night was the first meeting, and it appears this class is going to eat up a significant chunk of time. Ah, well, onward and upward.

After the jump, haiku. Not our haiku, of course (we have already made our feelings on that subject known) but TMQ’s annual predictions haiku.


For the record…

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

I have given up on the Cubs winning the World Series and paid Lawrence his $5.

However, I feel like I’ve gotten more than $5 out of entertainment out of our bet, so overall, I’m a winner.

Obligatory opening day post.

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

This is to note that once again, I’ve bet Lawrence $5 even money that the Cubs will win the World Series this year.

Also, my bet with Lawrence on Gonzaga has been paid.

Zaged when I should have Ziged.

Sunday, March 20th, 2011

Once again, Gonzaga lets me down, and once again, I owe Lawrence $5.

Oh, well. There’s always the Cubs.