Sambet’s Cajun Restaurant suffered a fire on Thursday. Apparently, while they were frying turkeys, the oil in the deep fryer caught fire…
The fire caused about $300,000 of damage to Sambets and Ann’s Kitchen, plus another $150,000 in smoke damage to six neighboring businesses, Buck said.
This is disheartening, as I’m kind of fond of Sambet’s. They’re one of the few places in town you can get good boudin, and they do a fantastic crawfish etoufee. And $450,000 in damages? In that dump of a strip center? I find that hard to swallow (unlike Sambet’s boudin sandwich).
During the fire, Buck said, “We had many people drive up, three of them who wanted to know if they could get their turkeys; we had to explain to them that they could not go in and pick them up.”
I haven’t driven up that way to see how bad the damage is; I may try to do that later this weekend. In the meantime, I wish Sambet’s the best of luck and hope they’re able to re-open soon.
(Link to the Shatner turkey frying video via Lawrence.)
This entry was posted on Friday, November 25th, 2011 at 2:20 pm and is filed under Clippings, Food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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